About The Authors

Last updated on March 22nd, 2018 at 06:07 pm

Welcome to our blog!

We are glad you are here.

Untitled-1We are two young mothers set on a mission to provide you, as a mother or father, young and old, new and experienced, the information you need about both motherhood and parenthood. We established the blog in 2015 to assist in equipping and preparing you with the latest and most update to date ‘baby stuff’ to make your transition into parenthood as smooth, hassle-free, stress-free and think-free as possible. We understand that caring for a baby can be quite tough so we are here to help in the smallest or biggest way we can.

So, this blog was eventually born for these exact reasons, to make your new life as a parent easier!

Think of it like a one-stop shop for everything baby related, with lots and lots of fun bits enjoyable for us moms and parents.

Profile3We are a blog that specializes on everything babies! From baby products to baby care, we’re going to cover and discuss it on this blog. But, that’s not everything. We are also going to talk about the joys, pains, thrills, fears, ups and downs of parenthood, and how such makes it all worthwhile.

This blog is going to include reviews about products like cribs, mattresses, bottles, safety of toys marketed for babies, medications, so on and so forth. We mothers have to share information about everything that can help each and every one of us, which is pretty much the foundation of this blog.

We are also going to discuss parenthood. Such a topic would include discussions about how we’re going to raise our kids, what we’re going to and not going to teach them, what sort of support we are able provide for them, the plans we have on them while growing up and what important issues we face as mothers. Also, education sounds like a very important topic, especially to parents so we are definitely going to include that here.

We do care for our children very much and I think the best thing we can do to ensure them our love is through our care, affection, nurture and support. We think that talking about parenthood is going to help us get ideas from other parents and help us be better mother ourselves. We are thrilled to have you around so, take a quick swoop around the site and feel free to find the article you’re most interested at and leave us a comment if you wish to contribute.

Anna & Layla xx

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